'Move Over" Month Starts 2019

January is “Move Over” month in Florida, and AAA is helping to remind Floridians to get with the spirit and pay attention to the law that calls on drivers to "Slow Down, Move Over." 

That law requires passing motorists to give adequate space to law enforcement, tow truck drivers, utility service vehicles and other first responders that are stopped on the side of the road. 

AAA officials say the law is in place for a reason ... to protect those who protect us.

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, in 2017 there were 220 crashes and 7 serious bodily injuries reported as a result of motorists failing to move over. 

Figures show more than 19,000 citations were issued in 2017. 

AAA says when you abide by this law, you ensure the safety of first responders and you may end up saving a loved one.

So, watch for situations where emergency vehicles, tow vehicles, sanitation and utility service vehicles are pulled off on the side of the road.

Keep your speed well below the posted limit if you're on a two-lane road and see an emergency vehicle parked off the shoulder of an opposite lane.

If you're on a multi-lane road, and hear the siren and see the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle, slow down and pull over if you can.

And, above all, stay alert, stay courteous to fellow drivers, and don't drive distracted. 

By following these rules, you'll help make the roads safer places to begin with.

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